Health benefits of Spices-More Than just a flavoring!

Spices are made from seeds, fruits, roots, flowers, bark, or other plant components. Herbs & spices serve as so much more than just flavoring to foods, but also offer a host of health benefits and can be included in endless ways in the diet…

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Spirulina: Why you should consider adding this algae to your diet

Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that grows naturally in warm, fresh bodies of water around the world. It has become thought of as a “superfood” due to its high concentration of vitamins, minerals, protein, and antioxidants as well as its natural ability to help aid in detoxification.

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Prebiotics: Why probiotics simply aren’t enough

By now most people are familiar with the term “probiotic”, yet many are less familiar with prebiotics, which are just as essential to intestinal health. While a probiotic is a type of live bacteria that promotes healthy gut functioning, a prebiotic is what is necessary for a probiotic to be able to work properly.

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Nutritional Yeast: The Next “Superfood”?

While many people are probably familiar with the type of yeast used to leaven bread, most have never heard of nutritional yeast, a type of inactivated yeast that has gained recent popularity for its nutritional benefits and unique taste. Sometimes referred to as “Nooch”, Nutritional yeast is considered to be a “nutrient powerhouse” by many Dietitians.

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Nutrition’s Role in Detoxification: Not just another “fad diet”

The word “detox” is one that has generated a lot of controversy over the years due to many scientifically unsound “fads” that have been promoted by the media. While these diets do succeed in eliminating processed “junk foods” and may induce short term weight loss, they often deprive the body of vital nutrients necessary for proper detoxification and are not recommended by most Registered Dietitians or other health professionals.

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