Low-Down on FAD Diet's

Is it just me or does it seem like every week the media is highlighting a new “miracle food” or diet plan that claims to be the solution to all your problems?

It’s 2020, but this diet hype doesn’t ever seem to end, and to be honest, I have to roll my eyes a little bit every time I hear of another one making headlines.

Now don’t get me wrong, I definitely understand why fad diets exist and how they can be tempting to fall prey to. But what I want to emphasize is that they are a trap. It truly is as simple as that. And if you’re seeking for more #foodfreedom, a more sustainable way of eating, and/or a better relationship with food and your body while also boosting your health, they simply are not worth the hassle.

I guess I’ve accidentally already given away my professional opinion on fad diets, but I do NOT mean to shame anyone who has ever tried one or may still be interested in doing so. We all have to make our own decisions and come to our own conclusions about things, so this is me just trying to make sure you’re informed :)

Read on to become familiar with the history of fad diets, how to recognize them in the media, the pros and cons of some of the most popular fad diets today, and how to determine the best type of diet plan for you.

Low-Down on Fad Diets

Fad diets have been around for centuries, but have significantly gained in popularity over the past few decades. The public is often attracted to the easy, quick fix promoted by fad diets and are eager to give them a try. However, as mentioned, there is plenty of reason to be weary of fad diets.

Fad diets are just that: a fad, or something that is temporary and won’t last for the long term. The reason for this is because nearly all fad diets are not practical to be followed for an extended period of time. Some reasons for this is that they are often overly restrictive, require significant modifications of current eating habits and participation in social events, and can be expensive to follow.

You know what else? The media makes a TON of money from highlighting diet trends like these, so there is an ulterior motive behind the marketing. When a fad diet becomes popular, the companies behind the diet or products involved in the diet profit greatly. They have a reason to try to convince you that you “need” this product or that, even if the rationale behind it is unrealistic and even unhealthy. Scary, right? And just downright unethical and sneaky.

How to Spot a Fad Diet:

●      Involves the elimination of one or more food groups (such as fruits, vegetables, grains, protein foods, and dairy)

●      Eliminates or severely reduces an entire macronutrient (carbs, fat, or protein)

●      Promises a quick fix while being “easy to follow”

●      Makes recommendations based on a single study

●      Highlights and advertises a particular food as being the “miracle” answer to all of your health problems

●      Recommendations are made solely to help sell a product

●      Recommendations are from studies that ignore differences among individuals or groups (ex: studies may have been on Caucasion men or elite athletes only, which isn’t transferable to the general population)

●      Fails to mention the long-term commitment that is needed to follow the diet

●      Fails to mention the possible negative health impact of following the diet long-term

Fad diets are rarely based on quality science, and are not concerned with long term health. Avoiding fad diets comes down to common sense: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Sorry.

Popular Fad Diets today

Lowdown on Fad Diets-Joanna Foley Nutrition


The Ketogenic (“keto”) diet is an extremely low-carb diet plan that aims to convert the body from burning glucose (carbs) for energy into burning fat, or ketones, for energy instead. The diet requires followers to limit their carbohydrate intake to about 30 grams or less per day in order to get into a state of “ketosis”. The remaining food comes from protein and fats. This diet has been around for more than a century and was originally developed for its therapeutic use in treating epilepsy.


There is some evidence that following a ketogenic diet can aid in weight loss. Fat and protein take longer to digest and are much more satiating than carbohydrates, so people also tend to feel less hungry. Because the diet eliminates most carbs, it is also automatically restricted in sugar, which most people can benefit from eating less of.


This diet restricts many food groups including beans, grains, fruit, and some dairy, which makes it very difficult to follow. Followers of the Keto diet are missing out on a variety of nutrients found in those missing foods including vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Research also shows that due to the lack of dietary fiber in the diet, following the diet long term can negatively alter the gut microbiome, or the proportion of healthy gut bacteria needed for things like proper digestion, immune function, and managing inflammation.

Studies have also found that the following the diet both short and long term may promote a loss of lean body mass. Lastly, it is easy to understand why following the keto diet is not sustainable in the long run (because who can limit their carbohydrate intake that much forever?)

Intermittent Fasting

Similar to Keto, intermittent fasting has been around for a while yet has just recently been regaining popularity over the past few years. It involves short-term fasts on a frequent basis, but there is customization allowed based on the followers preferences and health goals. Some people choose to eat only within an 8-hr time frame, while fasting the remaining 16 hours. Other variations of the diet include consuming a very low calorie diet (500-600 calories) one day, and alternate “normal eating” on the following day, or even alternating entire days of fasting and regular eating.


Some of the claims associated with intermittent fasting include weight loss, improving brain function, reducing cancer risk, reducing inflammation, and slowing the aging process. Because of the obesity epidemic, many people can benefit from reducing calorie intake. Allowing multiple hours between meals can also aid in proper digestion and absorption of food, due to supporting the migrating motor complex.


Intermittent fasting can be difficult to follow and requires a significant alteration in lifestyle.There is no strong evidence that shows that fasting adds health benefits beyond any other weight-loss strategy. This type of eating style also promotes a binge-restrict pattern which can lead to disordered eating habits. Intermittent fasting is not appropriate for people who are at risk of severe hypoglycemia, pregnant women, and some others. Many of the claimed benefits associated with intermittent fasting can be achieved by less restrictive dietary patterns.

Paleo/Whole 30

Also called the “caveman” or “ancestral diet”, Paleo takes the premise of eating the way that our ancestors ate, which includes plenty of meats, produce, nuts and seeds but discludes processed foods, grains, dairy, and many other common foods today. The Whole 30 diet is very similar, yet is meant to be an elimination diet that is temporary, lasting for 30 days before beginning the reintroduction phase. Whole 30 is therefore a bit more strict than Paleo.


Both diets place a heavy emphasis on eliminating processed foods while increasing intake of fruits and vegetables, which are always good things. Both diets require the follower to become familiar with reading food labels which is a valuable habit to have, and they will likely result in the follower trying new foods. Completing the Whole 30 diet can also help uncover hidden food sensitivities by removal of many commonly eaten foods followed by reintroducing them to see how the body reacts. Both diets may aid in weight loss, and a branch of the paleo diet called the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) diet is also touted to treat autoimmune disease and reduce inflammation in the body.


Like other fad diets, these diets are very restrictive and therefore can be difficult to follow. Following them may interfere with social functions and cause added stress from trying to figure out what you are allowed to eat or an unhealthy obsession with food. Cutting out grains and legumes also cuts out valuable sources of B vitamins and prebiotic fibers that nourish the microbiome, which is another drawback. Ultimately, the diets are likely overly restrictive, with similar health benefits able to be experienced on a less regimented diet plan.

Lowdown on Fad Diets-Joanna Foley Nutrition

Bottom line

There is no “one-size-fits-all” when it comes to the best diet for you. People are so different, and what works for one person may not work for another. In addition, there is very rarely just one way to achieve a health goal.

Rather than viewing your diet as a short-term plan you will be on to accomplish a particular goal, view it as the way you eat for the healthy lifestyle you are passionate about leading. By definition, your diet is simply the foods you choose to eat, not a restrictive form of punishment.

True commitment to health requires effort and an open mind. The best diet for you is the one that is balanced, sustainable, and able to be enjoyed. Working with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (like me!) can help you identify the eating style that is best suited to your unique needs and lifestyle.

"The Best Diet for YOU"...-Joanna Foley Nutrition

Questions? Feel free to reach out here! I’m always here and love to help.

PS-this post was also featured on FitBliss. Check it out here.